Thursday, August 27, 2020
Social Security Number Allocations by Location
Government managed savings Number Allocations by Location The initial three digits of a people Social Security number numbers can frequently assist you with determining where your predecessor may have conceivably been living when his/her SSN was given (see special cases underneath). These numbers can likewise be useful in figuring out which postings in the SSDI may have a place with your progenitor. The initial three digits of a people Social Security number were, preceding 1973, controlled by the state where the individual applied fo their government disability card. Since that time, the initial three digits have been appointed dependent on the ZIP Code of the street number on the Social Security number application. The graph beneath shows the initial 3 digits of the government disability numbers appointed all through the United States and its assets. Government managed savings NUMBER STATE CODES * a similar number, when appeared with more than one region, implies that specific numbers have been moved starting with one State then onto the next, or that a territory has been separated for use among certain geographic areas. Get familiar with different numbers in the Social Security Numbering Scheme.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Writing Essays With High School Essay Introduction Samples
Writing Essays With High School Essay Introduction SamplesHigh school essay introduction samples are an excellent resource to get you going when it comes to composing your own essay. These essays usually range from a single page to a double page essay. These essay introduction samples can be found online, at the library, or you may even have written one of these yourself.It would be a mistake to think that all writers take pride in writing such an essay. In fact, the majority of writers (perhaps even most) will find their writing to be not at the very best. This is especially true when it comes to essay introductions and the essay itself, which may contain mistakes that are only discovered after the writing is complete.This can be avoided, however, if you make the good use of the resources available to you. There are many essay introduction samples available for you to choose from. One important thing to remember is that each of these samples should serve as a guide to help you along the way. The samples should be used to help you avoid common errors in spelling and grammar, but they should also show you how to add your own creative flair to the essay.One of the most commonly found essay introduction errors is copying a paragraph word for word from an essay published in a book or magazine. Since the essay introduction sample is not an original work, this is a major error. It is also a perfect example of what goes wrong when one tries to follow an example but does not think about what the sample is showing him.Another common mistake made by first time essay writers is trying to reword a sentence as an essay introduction. It is not uncommon for first time writers to attempt to move a word from one place to another because he feels the need to move a letter from one end of the word space to the other. A word in the right place may be moved by the flow of the text, but it is best to leave it where it is.As an old adage goes, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.' It is never too late to learn how to spell correctly. While there are some grammar schools that are quite good, there are also many colleges that make the majority of their students take this course.You should be very wary of an essay introduction that contains spelling errors. Many first-time writers are afraid to correct their spelling. The reason for this is because they do not want to seem uncreative. First time writers are often afraid to make a bad first impression on a prospective employer or even their next door neighbor.High school essay introduction samples are helpful in that they will show you that your high school essay is not necessarily a disaster. Even if it was, there is a good chance that a more experienced writer will see things a bit differently. The point is that there are ways to make your essay look professional, yet still retain the spirit of the material. This is the hallmark of a well-written essay.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The characters are irresponsible dreamers – The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby is a viable novel in exemplifying the tireless battle of numerous to accomplish the American dream. The financial blast and the extreme change in the public eye following the First World War may have contributed generally to the possibility of the American dream. Fitzgerald depicted in The Great Gatsby the distinct difference between the rich and the poor while uncovering a typical likeness †an expectation in achieving the American dream. The epic follows the fantasies of individuals from completely separate social classes and embodies the foiled dreams of both the prosperous and the oppressed, through unethical and reckless activities. In general, it very well may be said that The Great Gatsby sums up the manner by which society's meaning of the American dream transformed from that of accomplishing joy to getting financial impacts. Daisy Buchanan can be viewed as one of the first ‘irresponsible visionaries' in the novel. Her character seems to mirror that of a child's. She regularly acts whimsical, juvenile and is continually looking for consideration. A case of this is on page 15 where Nick specifies â€Å"I've heard it said that Daisy's mumble was distinctly to make individuals lean toward her. †Her immature credits may have added to her unreliable nature. In the wake of meeting Gatsby, Daisy starts to see everything in a sentimental light. She murmurs to Gatsby about needing to â€Å"just get one of those pink mists and put you in it and push you around†(page 101). Her relationship with Gatsby appears to have a tinge of imagination, as though she is more keen on escaping from reality than being involved with him. Daisy's issue with Gatsby can be said to be flippant as she is both a spouse and a mother. Likewise, her choice to have an unsanctioned romance may conceivably have originated from the resentment and envy she felt in thinking about Tom's treachery. The demise of Myrtle and the occasions that followed demonstrated perusers exactly how unreliable Daisy's character is. In spite of that at last, Daisy was liable for the passing of Myrtle, she seemed unremorseful in leaving fault to Gatsby. This is obvious when Fitzgerald composes â€Å"But she and Tom had left, early that evening, and taken things with them†(pg 171). This line quickly shows perusers that Daisy may have felt little blame at deserting Gatsby to manage the result of Myrtle's demise. The â€Å"baggage†that the pair had taken with them infers that they are leaving for a delayed measure of time and furthermore that Tom and Daisy may have invested energy arranging their leave. Daisy's refusal of tolerating her part in Myrtle's demise shows components of good rot of the '20's general public. For a bigger scope, it very well may be recommended that Daisy and Tom exemplify the prosperous old gentry, a general public that could viably dodge obligation regarding their activities through their shield of rich riches and high status. Daisy, specifically mirrors the quintessential case of the American dream-she had acquired her riches, is hitched to a similarly well off man and pivots in the circles of the high society. Then again, perusers can contend that toward the finish of the novel, Daisy settled on the capable choice of remaining with Tom, sparing her marriage and her girl and can along these lines be pardoned for her past activities. Myrtle's character speaks to the normal average workers resident of America. In any case, her undertaking with Tom concedes her a couple of the extravagances that other conventional common laborers residents would not have the option to achieve. For instance, she says â€Å"I'd prefer to get one of those police dogs†(page 33). This concentrate shows that with the benefit of Tom's riches, Myrtle can bear to be whimsical. Her unreliability lies with her conviction of an ascent in social remaining through her relationship with Tom. Her mentality to others of her own class, changes, maybe connoting a defilement of blamelessness. At the point when Tom and Myrtle have a gathering in their loft, Myrtle acts in a disparaging way towards Mrs McKee, dismissing her commendations and offering Mrs McKee her garments (page 37 and 42). Fitzgerald may have composed it to show that the American dream was not really ethically supported, for when Myrtle accomplished parts of the American dream †riches †she acted haughtily. Nonetheless, perusers may contend that Myrtle was not reckless, as she was just seeking after the opportunity for a superior life. Myrtle may have considered her to be relationship with Tom as a methods for acquiring this â€Å"better life†thus her activities were reasonable. Her passing speaks to the moderate crumbling of the American dream. Its unexpectedness might represent the sudden financial blast (and later the sudden monetary bust), and the finish of the American dream for both Myrtle and the average workers society. In Gatsby, it is clear Fitzgerald has epitomized the genuine American dream. Gatsby's move from humble beginnings to claiming an enormous manor, a fruitful business and a Rolls Royce presentations to perusers the perfect type of the American dream. In any case, it is additionally evident that Gatsby demonstrations in flippant manners. His main point seemed, by all accounts, to be to win back Daisy. Gatsby says on page 117 â€Å"Can't rehash the past? (†¦ ) obviously you can! †This conviction demonstrated perusers that Gatsby was maybe trying to claim ignorance that Daisy had proceeded onward from him, and had a different life from him. He had works for a long time to have the option to present to Daisy a commendable accomplice in himself, seemingly a flighty go about as it was unavoidable that following five years, Daisy would have proceeded onward. Fitzgerald likewise connects the topic of time to Gatsby. Fitzgerald composes â€Å"the clock took this second to tilt hazardously at the weight of his head†(page 93). This line could speak to Gatsby's solid conviction in rehashing the past, while the clock tilting hazardously could maybe be a risky sign of the catastrophe to come. Another type of Gatsby's flightiness is in his solid unwaveringness to Daisy, regardless of the way that she is hitched to another man. Unexpectedly, his steadfastness to her end up being his decimation as he assumes the fault for Myrtle's demise and along these lines was killed by Wilson. Like Myrtle, Gatsby ends up being a survivor of the American dream, and like Myrtle, his demise could maybe speak to the breaking down of the American dream. Furthermore, Fitzgerald's point by point portrayal of the planning of Gatsby's gatherings toward the start of Chapter 3 could maybe have been to represent Gatsby's luxury in attempting to prevail upon Gatsby. This could maybe be viewed as inefficient and flighty of Gatsby by perusers. In any case, it tends to be contended that Gatsby was affected by his adoration for Daisy and in this manner his excess was defended. It is recommended in the novel that Gatsby made his riches through taking part in crimes. Be that as it may, as it isn't straightforwardly referenced, it can't totally be viewed as another of his reckless activities. As a rule, it tends to be said that Gatsby's flightiness originated from his quest for Daisy's adoration, thus perusers are frequently more sympathetic towards him than some other character in the novel. In addition, Gatsby's portrayal of the American dream had all the earmarks of being the one in particular that didn't incorporate on financial increase †another angle that draws compassion from perusers on his passing. To a degree, it very well may be concurred that the characters are untrustworthy visionaries. Perusers notwithstanding, might be at a contradiction over which character holds the greatest obligations. Daisy can be viewed as one of the most reckless characters as she assumed an incredible job in the demise of Myrtle and along these lines her activity had a more noteworthy result. The American dream additionally has an impact in the flippancy of characters as it is regularly their quest for their fantasies that drives them to settle on indecent and flighty choices. Fitzgerald's portrayal of the â€Å"roaring twenties†and the phenomenal dissemination of riches uncovered a disturbing fallout of social and good rot.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
William Shakespeare s The Dream Of The Rood, Beowulf, And...
All literature evolves throughout time due to the changes in culture and lifestyle of the society during a particular era. Authors are influenced by the beliefs of the nation, events, struggles, and politics of the time period. These influences can be clearly or subtly shown in the works of those authors of the age. The British culture is one of the many types that reflects such rich history and customs packed into its literature. The foundation of much British literature that integrated the convention of British civilization came during the Medieval Period. The Medieval stories of â€Å"The Dream of the Rood,†Beowulf, and The Canterbury Tales contained some of the British culture concerning gender, religion, and the view of heroes. One aspect of British culture of the Medieval times was the stereotypes of gender and certain expectations in gender roles. For example, the poet of â€Å"The Dream of the Rood†used masculine and feminine language to show position of power (masculine) and powerlessness (feminine). Christ and the Cross shift back and forth between having power and not; both being weakened and defeated by an opposing force, but then rising up to gain honor and victory. The Cross was demoted to the status of a woman and shamed for being â€Å"[h]elpless and unable to act on his own volition [and] must perform according to the dictates of his captors†(Hawkins) when the enemy put Christ on the Cross. It reflects the belief that women or even feminine men are weak, cowardly, and
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Culture Of British Life - 2486 Words
Having only studied the culture of British life for the one term that I have been living in London I have been able to capture a vivid depiction of what it means to be British over a short period of time. Furthermore, as a junior level ethnographer, I understand that in a universal realm the study of accounts for general human life can be applied worldwide. Though being able to scope out the lifestyles, cultural differences, and fundamental basis for living has allowed for me to understand the multitude of accounts of British life and what it may truly mean to be British. With the blueprint of what I have learned so far as an ethnographer, and secondly as a temporary British citizen, I believe that ethnography absolutely produces adequate accounts of British Life. After exploring the loads of questions that I came across following the prompt. I then had to ask myself â€Å"What does it mean to be an ethnographer?†. In order to successfully explain the importance of the role, one needs to know the duties and the purpose for the position of an ethnographer. An ethnographer is in many ways an expansion of an Anthropologist, though from a more theoretical interpretation of studies. The role of an ethnographer has been explained as, â€Å"one who uses both a qualitative research process or method and product, whose aim is cultural interpretation†(Brian A. Hoey). In understanding the mission of an ethnographer I have been able to focus on the three mainstages of human life in order to getShow MoreRelatedThe Winds Of Singaporean Culture1691 Words  | 7 PagesThe Winds of Singaporean Culture Jonathan Lin Eng 1D1 Dec 31,2015 Ms.Webster Imagine being a British man or European man (or a close friend of one) in Singapore, 1941, living the luxurious life and having everything that one could dream of. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Colonists After The American Revolution - 1859 Words
The freedoms and opportunities enjoyed by the colonists after the American Revolution were not simply established as much as they were fought tooth and nail for. The colonists between the 15th and 18th century faced much turmoil in which they had to overcome in order to become the success they sought after. Many of these freedoms and opportunities came at a cost to other people and cultures as the colonists paved their way to a new society. To gain full benefits of their freedoms, the colonists would also have to explore new ideals to shape the way they run their lives in order to be true successes. These successions can be tied back to the first Native American treaties. In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed west and found himself on the shores of a new world. His mission was to secure new land for Spain. Other European countries heard of his findings, they too crossed the ocean in hopes of securing new opportunities in this newly discovered land such as fur trading and gold mining. Little did they know that a community of indigenous people had already settled in this land thousands of years before. The Europeans decided to negotiate with the natives in order to set up their own communities in the land but the Native Americans held beliefs about society and religion that were far different from their European peers. Europeans thought the Indians to be â€Å"Noble Savages, gentle and friendly, but uncivilized, brutal, and barbaric†(citation). They could not see past their ownShow MoreRelatedWhy The Colonists Become American After The Revolution?1348 Words  | 6 Pagescontroversy over when the British colonists become American. Is it before the American Revolution? During the American? Or after the American Revolution? Besides these questions there are also questions regarding what an American is and when it comes to the Civil War who were the Americans? 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In the pamphlet, Common Sense, Frenchman Thomas Paine brought forth such reason usingRead MoreCauses of the American Revolution953 Words  | 4 PagesEmily Thou Mr. G./ Period 1 September 14, 2012 Causes of the American Revolution The American Revolution began in 1755 as an open conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain. The Treaty of Paris had ended that war in 1783, giving the colonies their own independence. There are many factors contributing to the start of the Revolution, but the war began as the way The Great Britain treated the colonies versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated. For example, the FrenchRead MoreThe American Revolution And The War For Independence779 Words  | 4 Pages1775 marked the beginning of the American Revolution or, to the colonists, â€Å"The War for Independence.†The American Revolution did not happen by itself but past conflicts such as the seven years war provoked the future event of the American Revolution. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: What Is The Corporate Social Responsibility Practices? Answer: Introduction 'Corporate social responsibility strengthens corporate reputation and performance This essay is based on the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the business operations. From many years, CSR is the important part of the business activities. There are many companies which are dedicated towards such activities. Such kinds of activities create values for the shareholders in the company as well as focuses on the various groups of stakeholders. Along with this, by the CSR activities, those companies are able to improve their value in the market (Arora Rana, 2010). By various researches, CSR activities are positively related to the companys value and the performance of the company. The relation between the CSR practices and the companys value is quite uncertain and unclear. It might be because there is the lack of understanding related to the channels by which the CSR practices affect the value of the company. There are many theoretical models which assume that there is the direct connection between the companys value and CSR activities. The aim of t his essay is to explore the relationship of companys value and its performance with the CSR in the company. The value of the company is based on the ability of the CSR activities to influence the group of stakeholders in the company (Bird, Moment Reggiani, 2012). CSR and companys value Defining CSR- Before providing the detail of CSR activities in any business, it is important to understand the concept of CSR in the company. Baron (2001) stated that corporate social responsibility is an incompletely defined concept. A broad definition of CSR is given by World Business Council for Sustainable Development i.e. CSR is the kind of promise of a company to contribute for the ecological development, working with the people, and the local society to improve the quality of life (Bird et al, 2007). The definition depicts the accountability of any company towards the environment, treatment of the employees, the society and the human rights. Basically, CSR is concerned about the various groups of stakeholders. CSR is the important factor which ensures the growth of a company in terms of sustainability which is the basic concept of growth. CSR is the commitment of the companies including the external citizen of the community, stakeholders, legal agreements and regulations (Groening Kanuri, 2013). It includes the legal, ethnic, economic and environmental management by the company. CSR is the essential concept which makes sure that the companies must be responsible for the impact of stakeholders which is the obligation from the company. Under CSR activities, the companies should do their work with justice, accountability and the efforts to develop and improve the quality of the lives of the staff as well as the society (Cordeiro Tewari, 2014). A study done by Larsen (2001) stated that consumers are always interested in the companies having environmental protection activities, CSR and ethics in the business operations. There are four responsible dimensions in the CSR practices i.e. legal, ethical, economic and philanthropic responsibility. There are two different views regarding CSR i.e. classical view and stakeholder view. In the classical view, the CSR activities are based on the neoclassical economic theory which includes economic profit making terms and focuses on the profit maximization of the stakeholders. On the other hand, stakeholder view is based on the stakeholder theory including social responsibility of the company which is required to understand the interests of all the stakeholders by the actions. So, it is understood that CSR is the effective practice for the companies to improve their value and the performance in the operating market as the customers always consider those companies which exercise CSR practices for the welfare of the society. Role of CSR in enhancing corporate reputation Based on past and recent researches, it is clear that corporate reputation is the base of getting competitive advantage in the market and this is the strategic success factor for the company. Reputation cannot be defined easily as it is based on various factors i.e. stakeholders views, expectations from the companys performance and intension. Having good reputation in the market is essential for the growth of the company. Corporate reputation is one of the most valued assets and it has importance in the growth of the company and its performance (Jacobs, Singhal Subramanian, 2010). Corporate reputation and the financial performance of the company have direct relation with each other. There are various studies which have confirmed that improved brand and corporate reputation is one of the most important motivations in the CSR practices. According to Wang (2003), business reputation plays an important role in terms of strategic marketing and the markets because service quality is important factor to attract the customers. Corporate status can influence the behaviors of the employees in the company. So, reputation can be described as the important feature of the company which differentiate one company form another in the operating market. A strong and positive corporate reputation is the important competitive advantage in terms of product differentiation. The reputation of the company is one of the most crucial aspects which are associated with the CSR practices. The consumers, suppliers and the society generally want to stay connected with the CSR practices in the company. The high level of motivation and the stakeholder concerns provide the outcome of good citizenship. The overall effect of CSR practices is based on the corporate social performance which impacts the reputation of the company in the society. Connecting the corporate reputation with the CSR practices, many researchers have realized that the companies are able to improve the brand and corporate image in the society which are the important parts of the corporate reputation. Along with this, having good brand name, companies are able to support social causes by the ethical business practices. By focusing on the stakeholders impact, companies can also improve the reputation in the society. Basically, the reputation and the success of the company depend upon demand of the stakeholders and meeting their expectations in the business. So, according to Donaldson and Preston (1995), CSR is the essential for building and enhancing the reputation of the firm. For instance, Barmer and Prevelin (2006) stated that having positive reputation, a company can make the stakeholders in the CSR practices. To get higher profit and to survive in the market for long-term basis, company should have higher reputation in the market. CSR is the most essential component of the reputation which builds up trust and goodwill among the group of stakeholders. Having good corporate policy in terms of environmental sustainability, a company is able to attract the stakeholders in the business. The initiatives of the company towards environmental protection are not accountable for the society but also improve the performance of the company by an improved image. The ecologically appealing actions by the company i.e. reduced emissions can be able to enhance the image of the company and attract the customers. So, it is clear that company is able to enhance its image and reputation by adopting environmental friendly activities or focusing on costly environmental practices in the business operations. Role of CSR in companys performance The various researches have mentioned that there is the positive relationship between companys performance and CSR activities. Many studies provide support to the existence of CSR practices in the business. The concept of CSR practice is not new in the companies. Most of the developed countries are aware about the CSR issues and they are concerned about that. The studies found that there is the positive relationship between the CSR and the companys performance. Having social responsibility, some companies have better results in terms of business performance. Companies can get better social responsibility by identifying and resolving the social issues which are closely related to the company. By focusing on the ethical responsibility, the company is able to get a better level of business performance. Social responsibility adopted by the companies can be described as the opportunity to gain good results in the business operations so; the companies have to implement all those activities which are in the welfare of the society. If an organization wants to adopt the practices related to social responsibility, then the organization will not only work for its employees, workers, clients, suppliers and society but also provide benefit to the environment surrounding to the organization (Amini Bienstock, 2014). There are two major theories which have supported the relationship between the performance and corporate social responsibility. Those theories are stakeholder theory and social exchange theory. Stakeholder theory provides the relationship of CSR practices with the relevant stakeholders such as employees, customers, shareholders and wealth maximization of the shareholders. According to Gherghina (2015), the instrumental stakeholder theory argued that there is the positive relationship between the value of the company and corporate social responsibility. Having ability of the company to be involved in the corporate social responsibilities, company is able to make the society to view the company in terms of good image and good reputation. Along with this, the theory explains that shareholders are connected with the company based on the returns provided by the company (Kansal Joshi, 2014). Thus, the stakeholder theory connects the shareholders and the society with the corporate performa nce. Further, the social exchange theory describes that the people in the society purchases from the companies and the companies can provide the values by engaging in the CSR activities and programs. So, the theories on the CSR practices explain the relationship between the CSR practices with the companys value and performance in the society. Thus, the engagement of the company in the corporate social responsibility has positively affects the value and performance of the company. Further, the CSR practices are also affects the financial performance of the company among the customers (Aras, Aybars Kutlu, 2010). It is the fact that the companies are the essential part of the society and the business activities of the company always impact the social and environmental groups within the specific community. By the CSR practices, companies are able to prevent the society form the harmful problems (Orlitzky, 2013). By the commitments, companies are able to solve the social and environmental problems to improve the quality of the life of the society. Because of these reasons, the companies having socially responsible behavior are acceptable everywhere in the society and they are able to improve their efficiency among the customers. From the many researches, it is observed that the companies which are generating the biggest profit in the business are more accountable and liable towards society and have greater value and improved performance in the society (Flammer, 2015). Conclusion The objective of this essay is to explore the importance of the CSR practices in the business to improve the performance as well as companys value in the society. Form the above analysis; it is observed that CSR is the important factor which ensures the growth of a company in terms of sustainability which is the basic concept of growth. It is understood that CSR is the essential concept which makes sure that the companies must be responsible for the impact of stakeholders which is the obligation from the company. CSR is becoming mandatory for the companies. Along with this, CSR is also important factor for enhancing the value of the company in the community as having good brand name; companies are able to support social causes by the ethical business practices. The reputation and the success of the company depend upon demand of the stakeholders and meeting their expectations in the business so many researchers have argued that to get higher profit and to survive in the market for lon g-term basis; company should have higher reputation in the market. Further, it is analyzed that, there is the positive relationship between the companys performance, value and the CSR practices as the customers always consider those companies which have socially responsible behavior. Thus, by CSR actions, companies are able to improve the brand and corporate image in the society which are the important parts of the corporate reputation. There are two theories which have provided in the support in the relationship of the CSR and the firms performance. So, in conclusion it can be said that having the CSR practices, companies are able to prevent the society form the harmful problems. References Aras, G., Aybars, A. Kutlu, O. (2010). Managing corporate performance: investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in emerging markets: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 59(3). pp.229254 Arora, D. Rana, A.G., (2010). Corporate and consumer social responsibility: a way for value based system: Aims International Conference on Value-Based Management Bird, R., Hall, D.A., Moment, F. Reggiani, F., (2007). What corporate social responsibility activities are valued by the market: Journal of Business Ethics. 76Bird, R., Moment, F. Reggiani, F., (2012). The market acceptance of corporate social responsibility: a comparison across six countries/regions: Australian Journal of Management. 37(2). pp.153168 Cordeiro, J.J. Tewari, M., (2014). Firm characteristics, industry context, and investor reactions to environmental CSR: a stakeholder theory approach: Journal of Business Ethics. 130(4), pp.833849 Flammer, C. (2015). Does corporate social responsibility lead to superior financial performance? A regression discontinuity approach: Management Science. 61(11). pp.25492568 Groening, C. Kanuri, V.K., (2013). Investor reaction to positive and negative corporate social events: Journal of Business Research. 66(10). pp.18521860 Jacobs, B.W., Singhal, V.R. Subramanian, R. (2010). An empirical investigation of environmental performance and the market value of the firm: Journal of Operations Management. 28(5). pp.430441 Kansal, M. Joshi, M. (2014). Perceptions of investors and stockbrokers on corporate social responsibility: a stakeholder perspective from India: Knowledge and Process Management. 21(3). pp.167176 Orlitzky, M. (2013). Corporate social responsibility, noise, and stock market volatility: Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol. 27(3). pp.238254 Amini, M. Bienstock C.C. (2014). Corporate sustainability: an integrative definition and framework to evaluate corporate practice and guide academic research: Journal of Cleaner Production. 76(1)
Monday, April 13, 2020
Electro-Magnetic Radiation Essays (830 words) -
Electro-Magnetic Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic radiation is defined as ?the emission and transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves? (Chang, pp. 246). An electromagnetic wave consists of two waves at perpendicular planes, on representing the electrical field while the other represents the magnetic field. This spectrum is split up into about 81 octaves, much like the octaves of sound, which scientists have categorized in order to depict the usefulness of the different properties. Theoretically electromagnetic waves can be as long as the expansive width of the universe in one wave, to a wavelength the size of a quanta (the smallest amount of energy that can be transmitted). That, however, is at this point in time negligible because we either cannot detect wavelengths so extremely large or infinitesimally small. So generally the spectrum is regarded to be set between 30,000,000 km and .0001 angstroms (1 km is equal to 1 X 10^13 angstroms). The longest and least energetic of the accepted wavelengths are radio waves. Their wavelengths range from 300,000 km to 30 cm and a frequency of 30 kHz to 3,000,000 kHz. The waves are used in the transmission of radio and television signals. AM and FM radio signals fall in the long-wave radio range, while TV signals use the short-wave radio range, somewhere in the 3 m wavelength. Radio waves take up about 30 of the 81 octaves. The next slightly more energetic and shorter wavelength is microwaves. Obviously, most are familiar with microwaves since they are always being used to cook food, but microwaves are also used in radiotelescopes and radar, even the radiation from a neutral hydrogen atom falls in this range. Microwave range extends from wavelengths of 30 cm to .3 cm and frequencies of 1-100 billion cycles per second. This corresponds to 6 1/2 octaves. Then comes the infrared range. While much of the radio spectrum passes easily through our atmosphere, infrared is almost completely blocked off due to absorption by gaseous molecules that reside there. Infrared waves are present during the transmission of heat. It's wavelengths range from .3 cm to .000076 cm with frequencies from 100 billion (10^11) to almost 10^14 cycles per second. 12 octaves are part of the infrared spectrum. The visible spectrum with its single octave is the part of the spectrum that only the blind are denied. The atmosphere is highly transparent to the visible spectrum, and is one reason why biologists believe it is the only part of the spectrum our eyes are sensitive to. Our sun produces intense amounts of visible light, which also explains why we don't perceive the much less abundant radio wavelengths that are also impervious to our atmosphere. The visible wavelengths range from .76 microns (7600 angstroms) to .38 microns (3800 angstroms) with frequencies of slightly less than a quadrillion (10^15). Many recognize UV or ultraviolet radiation because of modern societies obsession with tanning, and the cancerous growths that may follow. UV radiation is very energetic compared to the previous categories discussed and will burn with the prolonged exposure, which tanning is a mild form of. Not much UV can get through the ozone layer, but a little does, and our polluting industrial revolution has caused our protective layer to break down allowing more UV radiation in and larger health problems to the world. It has wavelengths from 3800-100 angstroms, with frequencies from a quadrillion (10^15) to slightly less than 100 quadrillion (10^17). UV occupies about 5 octaves. X-rays, once again, are also well known to the public through their modern medical usage. They are very energetic in nature and extremely harmful to the living bodies, especially in the reproductive sites. They can easily pass through skin and reveal the underlying structure of animals. X-rays have been known to also cause cancer and even mutations. Prolonged exposure leads to radiation poisoning and certain death. It's wavelengths range from 100-.1 angstroms with frequencies of just under 10^17 to 10^20 cycles per second. It contains 10 octaves. Gamma rays are the newly discovered form of radiation that is associated with space, and is given off in reactions concerning the nuclei of atoms. These are the most energetic and shortest wavelengths that are very, very lethal. They are often called cosmic rays and so
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Selected Quotes From Entertainer Madonna
Selected Quotes From Entertainer Madonna Much-acclaimed and controversial Madonna has lived a public life deliberately outrageous, and her words reinforce and further define her public image. Madonna has also spoken out on how she relates family and a private life to her carefully-crafted public image. Selected Madonna Quotations I am rich and famous. I have a talented and gorgeous husband and two beautiful children. I could go on. To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage; because we dont want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt Never forget to dream. A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. Thats why they dont get what they want. Im tough, Im ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay. Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done. I became an overachiever to get approval from the world. I wont be happy till Im as famous as God. I always thought I should be treated like a star. The fact of the matter is that you can use your beauty and use your charm and be flirtatious, and you can get people interested in your beauty. But you cannot maintain that. In the end, talent is the only thing. My work is the only thing thats going to change any minds. I love horses. I think I may have been one of Henry VIII’s knights in another life, riding through a great forest. Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion. I dont care anymore if people dress like me, now I want them to think like me. If I was a girl again, I would like to be like my fans, I would like to be like Madonna. Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep. I never wish I had a different life. I am lucky to be in the position of power that I am in and to be intelligent. Being blonde is definitely a different state of mind. I cant really put my finger on it, but the artifice of being blonde has some incredible sort of sexual connotation. Men really respond to it. I love blonde hair but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair, and I feel more ethereal when I have light hair. Its unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark. There are moments when I cant believe Im as old as I am. But I feel better physically than I did 10 years ago. I dont think, Oh God, Im missing something. I have the most perfect belly button. When I stick my fingers in it, I feel a nerve in the center of my body shoot up my spine. Ive always wanted to be taller. I feel like a shrimp, but thats the way it goes. Im five-foot four-and-a-half-inches. Thats actually average. Everything about me is average. Everythings normal, in the books. Its the things inside me that make me not average. Its not my nature to just kick back. I think passive beauties have their place in the world. Its hard for me to relate to that. People think they will wake up one day and Ill be gone. But Im never going away. I have the same goal Ive had ever since I was a girl. I want to rule the world. I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name. How could I be anything else but what I am having been named Madonna? I would either have ended up a nun or this. To me, the whole process of being a brush stroke in someone elses painting is a little difficult. Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another. I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. When Im hungry, I eat. When Im thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it. That we are responsible for our own fate, we reap what we sow, we get what we give, we pull in what we put out. I know these things for sure. Id like to think I am taking people on a journey; I am not just entertaining people, but giving them something to think about when they leave. I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art. I try to have thick skin, but every once in a while I read something that someone says about me, and its so slanderous and moralistic and it has nothing to do with my music. I want to be like Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, and John Lennon... but I want to stay alive. Id love to be a memorable figure in the history of entertainment in some sexual, comic, tragic way. Id like to leave the impression that Marilyn Monroe did, to be able to arouse so many different feelings in people. I think the ultimate challenge is to have some kind of style and grace, even though you havent got money, or standing in society, or formal education. I had a very middle, lower-middle class sort of upbringing, but I identify with people whove had, at some point in their lives to struggle to survive. It adds another color to your character. I think you can be defiant and rebellious and still be strong and positive. Be strong, believe in freedom and in God, love yourself, understand your sexuality, have a sense of humor, masturbate, dont judge people by their religion, color or sexual habits, love life, and your family. I laugh at myself. I dont take myself completely seriously. I think thats another quality that people have to hold on to... you have to laugh, especially at yourself. I do it in most of the things I do, and most of the videos that I make and most of my performances. Even in my concerts there are so many moments when I just stood still and laughed at myself. In everyday life I am quiet and reserved, not the housekeeper type but cool and relaxed. I dont get up in the morning wearing false eyelashes and I dont wear fancy underwear when Im cooking popcorn. Im a nice little ducky. Quotes About Lifestyle Everyone probably thinks that Im a raving nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is Id rather read a book. I dont trust any man who hasnt kissed another man. I liked my body growing up and I wasnt ashamed of it. I liked boys and didnt feel inhibited by them. Maybe it comes from having brothers and sharing a bathroom. The boys got the wrong impression of me at high school. They mistook forwardness for promiscuity. When they dont get what they want, they turn on you. I went through this period when all the girls thought I was loose and the boys said I was a nymphomaniac. The first boy I ever slept with was my boyfriend and wed been going out a long time. About singer Prince: He reeks of lavender. It turned me on, actually. Because Ive taken my clothes off in public doesnt mean that Ive revealed every inch of my soul. Sometimes I look back at myself and remember things I used to say, or my hairstyle, and I cringe I hate polite conversation. I hate it when people stand around and go, Hi, how are you? I hate words that dont have any reason or meaning. Also I hate it when people smoke in elevators and closed in places. Its just so rude. You have to be patient. Im not. I miss New York. I still love how people talk to you on the street - just assault you and tell you what they think of your jacket. I know the aspect of my personality, being the vixen, the heartbreaker and the incredibly provocative girl is a very marketable image - but its not insincere. You just cant take it seriously. The worst thing about being famous? I think its what everybody says... the lack of privacy and the idea that youre not really allowed to make mistakes and everything that you do is viewed under a microscope. I think my biggest flaw is my insecurity. Im terribly insecure. Im plagued with insecurities 24/7. I have had many challenges in my life, including some very big ones when I was young and Ive learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. I have seen life from just about every angle you can see it from. I was sacked from Dunkin Donuts for squirting the donuts jelly all over the customers. I wouldnt have turned out the way I was if I didnt have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against. Quotes About Gender and Race Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism but it also suffers from ageism. Once you reach a certain age youre not allowed to be adventurous, youre not allowed to be sexual. I mean, is there a rule? Are you supposed to just die? Im not a feminist, Im a humanist. Straight men need to be emasculated. Im sorry. They all need to be slapped around. Women have been kept down for too long. Every straight guy should have a mans tongue in his mouth at least once. Quotes About Family My father was very strong. I dont agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I dont agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didnt do it either. Im anal retentive. Im a workaholic. I have insomnia. And Im a control freak. Thats why Im not married. Who could stand me? Im a very old-fashioned girl. Marriage is a great thing when its right. And I did celebrate it and embrace it, and I wanted the whole world to know that this was the man I loved more than anything. But theres a price to pay for that, which is something I realize now. Ever since I was in high school, when I was madly in love with someone, I was so proud of that person. I wanted the world to know that I loved him. But once you reveal it to the world, and youre in the public eye, you give it up, and its not your own anymore. I began to realize how important it is to hold on to privacy and keeping things to yourself as much as possible. Its like a runaway train afterwards. I could probably bring up a child as normal as I can live my life. I surround myself with people who dont treat me like a celebrity or a freak or whatever, and I would do the same with my child. Im not interested in being Wonder Woman in the delivery room. Give me drugs. My having a child is not for public consumption. Its not a career move. Its not a performance to be judged or rated. Nor is my role as a mother. Family is everything. Family comes first. Its not what I expected it to be, but nothing ever is. The last thing I want is to raise a brat. We could definitely go down the wrong road. I dont want Lola to have everything she wants. I want her to appreciate things, and not to be presumptuous. I want her to have manners and social graces. Ever since my daughter was born I feel the fleetingness of time. And I dont want to waste it on getting the perfect lip color. Lourdes really is the love of my life. I dont want to traipse around with nannies and tutors. I think its important for children to stay in one place, to socialize with other children. Obviously, my tastes and my priorities have changed, Just because Im a mother doesnt mean Im not still a rebel and that I dont want to go in the face of convention and challenge the system. I never wanted to think in a robotic way, and I dont want my children to think that way, either. I think parents should be constantly questioning society. Quotes About Faith With the crucifixes I was exorcising the extremes that my upbringing dwelt on. Putting them up on the wall and throwing darts at them. And the Boy Toy thing was a joke, a tag name given to me when I first arrived in New York because I flirted with the boys. All the graffiti artists wore their nicknames on their belt buckles. Catholicism is not a soothing religion. Its a painful religion. Were all gluttons for punishment. It is difficult to believe in a religion that places such a high premium on chastity and virginity. When I get down on my knees, it is not to pray. I would like to see the Pope wearing my T-shirt. I loved nuns when I was growing up. I thought they were beautiful. For several years I wanted to be a nun. I saw them as really pure, disciplined, above average people. They had these serene faces. Nuns are sexy. I think that life is a paradox and you have to embrace that in your work and your belief systems ... you cant be a literalist, and thats the trouble that people always find themselves in. Thats why people always hit a wall with any of my stuff, because you cant take it literally. Quotes About Madonna Britney Spears I would really, really, really like to be a legend like Madonna. Madonna knows what to do next, and when shes performing, the audience is just in awe of her. I performed at Mom and Dads party when I was four. Oh my gosh, I was singing a Madonna song and I peed myself. Cher No one knows how to work this business like she does. Susan Sarandon The history of women in popular music can, pretty much, be divided into before and after Madonna. Rosie ODonnell She is no symbol. She is human. More brilliant than most. The real deal. Miley Cyrus Madonna always reinvents herself, and thats what I want to do. Whatever comes my way that sounds good, thats what I want to do. Whether its designing clothes or photography or whatever. Gwyneth Paltrow Shes like an older sister. Everything I have gone through, she went through ten times worse and ten times longer. She gives me good advice about how to say no and take care of myself. Tori Amos Madonna’s sound was made for the dance floor when she epitomized the New York club kid; it got a bit closer to rock when she started presenting herself that way, connected with RB when her image became softer again, went New Age techno when she got into spirituality, and so on. Fashion has become a part of the musical exploration and experience. Sean Penn She was in the process of becoming the biggest star in the world. I just wanted to make my films and hide. I was an angry young man. I had a lot of demons and dont really know who couldve lived with me at the time. I was just as badly behaved as her, so I cant point the finger of blame. Sarah Jessica Parker Madonnas probably the most disciplined person around and so I can only pale in comparison. Its just too impressive. Michael Moore If we had a royal system shed be the queen of Michigan and all the Michiganders would bow down to her, and Im not kidding. Shes a person with a good heart; she does a lot of good for other people. I really admire her. Beyonce It all works for Madonna. I mean, I couldn’t do a lot of the things she does, but it works for her.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Code of Proffessional Conduct Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Code of Proffessional Conduct - Research Paper Example ents and future professionals in the accounting sector, it is therefore of utmost importance to understand these principals as well as their role in informing professional accounting and ethical organisational behaviour. The first guiding principle of the CPC as adopted by AICPA is the responsibilities principal which requires members to professionally sensitive and exercise moral judgements. Since professional accounts have a very essential role to play in society it is their responsibility to ensure public confidence in their work and promote the profession’s goal of governing itself. The public interest principle on the other hand places on professional accountants the obligation of putting the interest of the public at the forefront in all their actions. All stake holders including the customers, government, businesses investors and others heavily depend on work of accountants and as such they must win the trust of the public through highest standards of professionalism (AICPA, 2015). The third principle is integrity and whose goal is to ensure professional accountants discharge their duties in a manner that is rightfully just. They should be honest and adhere to highest levels of confidentiality while handling clients and ensure their personal gain does not subordinate service and the pursuit for public trust. The principle of objectivity and independence requires member to remain objective & independent in performing their duties and avoid conflicts of interests at all costs. Professional accountants are also guided by the principle of due care requiring them to consider professional, ethical and technical standards. They are expected to consistently to strive and improve their levels of competence, service quality and execute responsibility vested on them to the optimum of their ability. Finally there is the principle of scope and nature of services. It expects all professionals service the public in their practice to adhere to guidelines as per the CPC
Friday, February 7, 2020
1. St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, encouraged Essay
1. St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, encouraged his followers to live their lives in the service of others. How do you plan to serve others in your future endeavors - Essay Example Being a servant leader, I try and clean up my ethical or moral issues that would prevent me from leading and eventually serving others. To serve others, I plan to willingly do humble tasks such as creating time to take care of the sick, visit orphaned children, support the elderly when they need it and engage in clean up activities voluntarily. I will always try to be open to listen since people are more willing to share their struggles and experiences to persons who are free to others and hence I will be able to support them in any way that I can. When I choose to be honest and make impartial judgments that administer justice effectively, people will have more trust in me since they appreciate someone who is fair. Lastly by assisting others to nurture personal or professional values I will enable them to have a strong belief in themselves. In the long run, I acknowledge that by serving others, my rewards will be so much greater than if I were to serve with self-serving motives since I will be serving others and adding value to their
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Education, Teaching and Curriculum Essay Example for Free
Education, Teaching and Curriculum Essay Education has always been an important aspect in the course of personal and societal development as a whole. Every individual has an urge and personal willingness to learn valuable information that varies from either practical knowledge o scientific ones. However, all of these relevant informations are very much needed by every individual to be able to develop their own self and become self-sufficient and productive members of the society. Education has many methodologies from which one individual can attain it in a scientifically formulated pattern. This is actually the main pattern accepted and utilized by all educational institution in their formal learning process and even implemented by those who implement informal ones. Gradual and progressive pattern is the most effective and easiest way used in learning process because it mainly accommodates normal brain development and innate learning abilities of the person. In this learning process, the main methodology commonly used in the per curriculum basis encompassing teaching instructions for learning individuals. Curriculum is literally defined in education as a set of courses regarding different classes or subjects offered in different educational institutions such as a school or a university. Embedded in its process are different specific classes for minor and major aspects that are all conjoined in adherence to the course objective of the entire curriculum. This is actually formulated and expressed in terms of its learning outcomes and for the development of the students taking up the said curriculum. Curriculums in general, whatever its subject or class is, are all created to envelope the learning process of individuals learning their specific course to develop and acquire valuable and relevant skills in that specific field. The main learning approach commonly used in the curriculum teaching is based on a set of instruction, which are all directed to guide the students in the gradually process of learning in the curriculum. Instructions are a basic aspect of the learning process. They are all formulated to guide students in their gradual learning process in their respective fields. In educational curriculum, instructions serve as a form of communicated information that has a command and explanation nature. Thus, instructions are descriptive explanations for how an action, behavior, method, or task is to be begun, completed, conducted, or executed. Because of their significant relevance to the learning process of individuals, instructions are explicitly used in the approach system and learning process in a curriculum. Learning instructions are generally formulated and given to students to guide them in discovering and thus learning the different specific informations and processes that are significant in the execution and completion of their respective subjects that are enveloped in their curriculum. With consideration of the definition and significant or the two main aspects in the learning process, curriculum and instruction have a direct relationship with each other. In the education aspect, curriculums are generally composed of specific set of instructions in specific subjects based on its respective course. Instruction are formulated and applied by the educational institutions to guide and educate explain to their students the knowledge and information in the different subjects encompassed in the gradual learning process of their different curriculums in every courses or fields. Thus, curriculum and instructions go side-by-side in systematically developing and directing the educational system to better address the normal mental development and innate learning process of the students thus encouraging more productive and efficient learning approach for the society. In terms of the higher level of educational set up, the curriculums offered as well as the regulations are diversely changed to apply to the demands required for the learners. Obviously, the requirements of concentration and focus from the students are heightened. However, this does not add the directly instructional as compared to that of the lower levels of learning. Obviously, this is primarily because of the fact that the students in this level are already matured enough to be still instructed on what they are supposed to do. The students are rather expected to place higher concentration and intend to pursue in a better level of focus on the proper learning attitude needed for them to survive this particular stage of learning. The instance of being able to survive the scholastic challenges presented by the higher and more demanding environment of education is a primary achievement among those who are concentrating to attain the best out of their learning in this level of educational state. Most of the time, the students are known to be pressured in this set up, but all these procedures are strongly applied to actually help in the process of making the students see the real implications of their lessons in actual life.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Essay --
There was also the isolation of the USA that was a problem. After all the problems they had while joining World War One, they wanted to be isolated and get away from European problems. They didn’t join the League of Nations, which was a disadvantage for them and made them weaker because the USA was a very powerful country. In addition, there was a problem of foreign policy and aggression. In the early 1930s, Hitler began to pursue many foreign policies. He increased his army by approximately 300,000 soldiers. The Treaty of Versailles only allowed him of 100,000. Hitler also rearmed, which was also against the Treaty and developed secretly an air academy to train pilots and built over 1000 aircrafts. Even though he was breaking several terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations was doing nothing to stop him, which showed how weak they were becoming. In the Treaty of Versailles, the Saar Land, which was part of Germany, was given to and ran by the League of Nations. In 1935, as the League promised Hitler, a plebiscite occurred. The people of the Saar were to vote if they...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 19
I ran past the shanties set up around the circus through the deep woods, following the tracks of the wagon until I lost the vehicles scent completely at the outskirts of the city proper. A drunk was leaning against a brick building, whistling tunelessly. In a blind rage, I roughly fell to my knees and grabbed him, biting into his neck and sucking his blood before he even had time to gasp. It tasted bitter, but I kept drinking, gulping it in until I could stand no more. Sitting back on my heels, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and looked around. Confusion and hatred coursed through my veins. Why couldnt I save Damon? Why had I just watched as Gallagher goaded the audience into placing even more bets, as the mountain lion pounced onto my brother? And why had Damon allowed himself to be captured and put me in this impossible position? I wished Id never insisted on turning him into a vampire in the first place. If he werent here and I were alone in the city, everything would be so much easier. Now I was trying to be a good brother, and a good vampire, and yet was failing at everything. I walked home, clomping up the steps to the house. I slammed the door, causing the hinges to rattle and one of the paintings in the parlor to fall on the floor with a clatter. Instantly, I saw Buxton glaring at me from the opposite side of the room, his eyes glittering in the darkness. â€Å"Is there some sort of problem youre having with the door?†he asked through clenched teeth. I tried to brush past him, but he blocked my path. â€Å"Excuse me,†I muttered, pushing him. â€Å"Excuse you,†Buxton said, crossing his arms over his chest. â€Å"Coming in as if you own the place. Stinking like humans. While Im not one to question Miss Lexi, I do think its time you show a little respect for her home, brother.†The wordbrotherawakened something within me. â€Å"Watch what you say,†I hissed, baring my teeth. But Buxton just chuckled. â€Å"Ill watch what I say when you watch how you act.†â€Å"Boys?†Lexi called from upstairs, her lilting voice a contrast to the tense scene. She glided down the stairs, her eyes softening with concern when they rested on me. â€Å"Is Damon ?†â€Å"Hes alive,†I muttered. â€Å"But I couldnt get to him.†Lexi perched on the edge of a rickety rocking chair, her eyes large and sympathetic. â€Å"Buxton, can you please get us some goats blood?†Buxtons eyes narrowed, but he shuffled out of the parlor and into the kitchen. In the living room, I could hear Hugo playing a lively French march on the piano. â€Å"Thanks,†I said, sinking into an overstuffed love seat. I didnt want goats blood. I wanted to gorge myself on gallons and gallons of human blood, drinking until I got sick and passed out in total oblivion. â€Å"Remember, hes strong,†Lexi said. â€Å"Im not worried about Buxton,†I said. â€Å"I meant your brother. If hes anything like you, hes strong.†I looked up at her. She came over and took my chin in her hand. â€Å"Thats what you have to believe. Its what I believe. The trouble with you is that you want everything done right away. Youre impatient.†I sighed. The last thing I needed was another lecture about how I had no sense of the way the real vampire world worked. Besides, I wasnt impatient. I was desperate. â€Å"You just need to think of another plan. One we can help with.†Lexi glanced over as Buxton entered, carrying a silver tray laden with two mugs. Buxton paused midstep. â€Å"Faut-il l'aider?†he asked in French. â€Å"Nous l'aiderons,†Lexi replied. Neither Lexi nor Buxton knew that Id learned French at my mothers knee; it was odd to listen to them speakabout whether to help me free Damon. I stared at my hands, which were still covered with crusted blood from my hunt earlier in the evening. Buxton banged the tray against the polished cherrywood table. â€Å"You will not put us in danger,†he growled, his fangs inches away from my neck. He shoved me with all his might against the wall, and the back of my head cracked against the fireplaces marble mantle. My Power took over, and I pushed his shoulders hard. But Buxton was older and stronger than I was, and he kept me pinned to the wall, his hands firmly against my chest. I could feel blood beginning to seep from my skull, where Id hit my head. â€Å"You selfish, ungrateful monster,†Buxton whispered, hatred dripping from his voice. â€Å"Ive seen vampires like you before. You think the world is yours for the taking. You dont care about others. You dont care who you kill. You give us a bad name.†I twisted and writhed, trying to escape his grip, when suddenly I felt the pressure release from my chest, followed by an enormous crash as Buxton fell to the floor. â€Å"Buxton,†Lexi lectured, staring at the prone body lying at her feet. â€Å"How many more centuries will it be before you learn how to treat a guest? And, Stefan, wont you agree with me that human blood simply doesnt agree with you? That behavior wasnt necessary.†Lexi shook her head like an annoyed schoolmarm. â€Å"Now, Ill drink my blood in peace. Be nice, boys,†she said as she glided out of the room, the mug of blood in her hands. How could she walk away so casually, knowing that my brother was out there imprisoned and tortured? I had come to depend on Lexi for many things, and support in finding and saving Damon was my only priority now. As if reading my mind, she paused at the archway to her quarters, glancing from one of us to the other. â€Å"If and when I say we help Damon, we will. Is that clear to both of you?†â€Å"Yes, Miss Lexi,†Buxton murmured as he slowly eased onto his knees then stood up. I nodded, barely containing my scowl.If? Buxton limped out of the room, but not before he threw one last glare in my direction. Suddenly the house felt too small, as though the walls, floors, and ceilings were pressing in at me from all sides. Letting out one last growl, I flew through the parlor, out the door, and back down to Lake Road.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Similarities Between Creon and Antigone - 1735 Words
Similarities between Creon and Antigone In Sophocles play Antigone, Creon was engaged in a conflict with Oedipus daughter Antigone. Creon and Antigone did not see eye-to-eye the entire play due to extreme differences. Creon and Antigone had many similarities despite their enormous discrepancies. Having as many differences as they did, it made them uniquely similar in numerous ways. The similarities that Antigone and Creon shared were independence, loyalty toward their views, cruelty and arrogance (The Similarities). The connection shared by Antigone and Creon showed that as hard as Sophocles tried to make them diverse, he made them unintentionally equivalent at the same time. What does it mean to be independent? According to†¦show more content†¦Creon thought that his laws were more important than any others, including the gods (The Similarities). Creon stood by his laws for as long as possible until he was proven wrong and had to attempt to fix all of his hideous mistakes. Antigones loyalty to her beliefs ultima tely caused her own death. Antigone believed that her brother was treated unjustly by not receiving a proper burial; therefore, she was loyal to her beliefs that no matter what Polynices did, he should be honored with a burial. In the beginning of the play Ismene attempted plead with her not to disobey Creons laws, but Antigones beliefs got the best of her. Ismene declared, What? Youd bury him-/ when a law forbids the city? (54-55). As hard as Ismene tried to persuade Antigone not to bury Polynices, Antigone believed that she was doing the correct thing, and her loyalty to her beliefs overpowered every emotion that was present. In the end, Antigone was willing to risk her life to stand up for what she really believed. Her loyalty to her beliefs was amazing and unheard of for the time period, as women usually did not challenge men. Another similarity that both Creon and Antigone share is their cruelty directed against others. 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