Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Colonists After The American Revolution - 1859 Words
The freedoms and opportunities enjoyed by the colonists after the American Revolution were not simply established as much as they were fought tooth and nail for. The colonists between the 15th and 18th century faced much turmoil in which they had to overcome in order to become the success they sought after. Many of these freedoms and opportunities came at a cost to other people and cultures as the colonists paved their way to a new society. To gain full benefits of their freedoms, the colonists would also have to explore new ideals to shape the way they run their lives in order to be true successes. These successions can be tied back to the first Native American treaties. In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed west and found himself on the shores of a new world. His mission was to secure new land for Spain. Other European countries heard of his findings, they too crossed the ocean in hopes of securing new opportunities in this newly discovered land such as fur trading and gold mining. Little did they know that a community of indigenous people had already settled in this land thousands of years before. The Europeans decided to negotiate with the natives in order to set up their own communities in the land but the Native Americans held beliefs about society and religion that were far different from their European peers. Europeans thought the Indians to be â€Å"Noble Savages, gentle and friendly, but uncivilized, brutal, and barbaric†(citation). They could not see past their ownShow MoreRelatedWhy The Colonists Become American After The Revolution?1348 Words  | 6 Pagescontroversy over when the British colonists become American. Is it before the American Revolution? During the American? Or after the American Revolution? Besides these questions there are also questions regarding what an American is and when it comes to the Civil War who were the Americans? 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