Sunday, January 5, 2020
Similarities Between Creon and Antigone - 1735 Words
Similarities between Creon and Antigone In Sophocles play Antigone, Creon was engaged in a conflict with Oedipus daughter Antigone. Creon and Antigone did not see eye-to-eye the entire play due to extreme differences. Creon and Antigone had many similarities despite their enormous discrepancies. Having as many differences as they did, it made them uniquely similar in numerous ways. The similarities that Antigone and Creon shared were independence, loyalty toward their views, cruelty and arrogance (The Similarities). The connection shared by Antigone and Creon showed that as hard as Sophocles tried to make them diverse, he made them unintentionally equivalent at the same time. What does it mean to be independent? According to†¦show more content†¦Creon thought that his laws were more important than any others, including the gods (The Similarities). Creon stood by his laws for as long as possible until he was proven wrong and had to attempt to fix all of his hideous mistakes. Antigones loyalty to her beliefs ultima tely caused her own death. Antigone believed that her brother was treated unjustly by not receiving a proper burial; therefore, she was loyal to her beliefs that no matter what Polynices did, he should be honored with a burial. In the beginning of the play Ismene attempted plead with her not to disobey Creons laws, but Antigones beliefs got the best of her. Ismene declared, What? Youd bury him-/ when a law forbids the city? (54-55). As hard as Ismene tried to persuade Antigone not to bury Polynices, Antigone believed that she was doing the correct thing, and her loyalty to her beliefs overpowered every emotion that was present. In the end, Antigone was willing to risk her life to stand up for what she really believed. Her loyalty to her beliefs was amazing and unheard of for the time period, as women usually did not challenge men. Another similarity that both Creon and Antigone share is their cruelty directed against others. 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